Life Is A Boomerang

12 lessons, going full circle

Cristina Cmn
About Me Stories


Attribution: Danielbaise, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

“There are two keys to the boomerang: the shape of the wings and the angle at which the device is thrown. The boomerang is designed is such a way that, as it travels through the air, the wings generate both spin and lift. […] As it flies through the air, one wing travels faster than the other. The unbalanced force that results from this difference is what causes the boomerang to turn and, if it is thrown just right (wind direction and speed), return to the thrower.” (

Isn’t this what life is all about — a boomerang leveraging spin, lift, and unbalances to find oneself?

These 12 lessons have been slowly boomeranging back to me at a time — I have just turned 49 — when life draws a beautiful curve allowing for a gentle lifting, and the feeling of returning home.

  1. Anything you seek in others is often an unexplored facet of yourself. If you find yourself yearning for specific qualities in people, you might miss these qualities within you. Self-awareness is the first step towards personal growth.
  2. Believing that others owe you something is often rooted in a belief that you don’t truly deserve it. Shift your mindset from entitlement to worthiness.
  3. The very things you criticize in others may be the very things you secretly long for. Learn from your own desires.
  4. The harder you try to attain something, the more it suggests a lack of belief in your own worthiness. Self-confidence is the key to attracting what you desire.
  5. The more desperately you want something, the further you push it away. Relinquishing your attachment to outcomes can lead to their fruition.
  6. What you need to have can sometimes end up owning you. True freedom lies in being comfortable with your authentic self, regardless of external expectations.
  7. You can’t be always right, but you can always be present. How do you intend to grow?
  8. If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room (Dr Michael J. Watson).
  9. Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re probably right (Henry Ford). Your beliefs shape your reality.
  10. If you frequently find yourself playing the victim or blaming external circumstances, it’s time to recognize your own responsibilities. Here, you have the keys to the control room.
  11. The blanket will not expand on demand. Yes, something gotta give, but you have the power to choose what you’re willing to give up.
  12. Discipline is the gateway to true freedom, empowering you to achieve your goals.

Life is a constant ebb and flow, whether you cry or laugh, every time a muscle contracts another extends. This constant and simultaneous expansion and contraction, rise and decline, sustains balance.

Balance — like breathing life — is a journey not a destination.



Cristina Cmn
About Me Stories

Before the straightjacket feels comfortable again, I hit "publish", then, ca va sans dire, I re-edit my heart out until it is good enough.